Monday, January 28, 2008

The Clemens Report

That's right, that says the Clemens Report. Whether Clemens and his agent purposely named it after the much anticpated, but not so informative Mitchell Report or not, that's where the cause for the Clemens Report stems from. On Monday, Roger Clemens and his agent released an 18,000 word report (although I haven't finished counting yet) full of statistics that are supposed to prove his innocence. How can statistics prove someone innocent? I'm glad you asked. They can't, well not by my standards anyway. His basic defense is that he had no abnormal spike in stats throughout his career. Although his batting average did go from .194 in 2006 to .500 in 2007, and I don't want to hear excuses on how he had 25 less at bats in 07. If you're going to say that your stats stayed consistent, at least cover all your "bases". But back to the report. Clemens compares his stats to the stats of other pitchers as they aged such as Randy Johnson, Curt Schilling, and Nolan Ryan. Feel free to make your own judgements though. You can find the report at A MUST READ! (it should at least keep you busy until Jose Canseco's new book comes out. YAY!)

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