Monday, January 7, 2008

Clemens Innocent? Does it matter?

So Roger Clemens has finally decided to come out and defend his name just like Curt Schilling and John Smoltz have said they would have done if they were in Clemens' position. He has officially filed a defamation suit against his ex trainer Brian McNamee. Although Clemens has finally come out and denied the allegations, even going so far as to agree to take a lie detector test, does that mean anything to anybody? No matter what happens as far as guilty or innocent, he will always have this hanging over his head. The fact that his name is even mentioned in the Mitchell Report puts a stain on his reputation. Personally, I do believe he is innocent. Everybody around him has always said how much of a workout freak this guy has been throughout his entire career. To bring up a point made by Clemens himself, where is they guy who supplied him with the steroids? McNamee has only admitted to administering the steroids, but he says nothing about supplying them. They didn't just miraculously appear in his locker, or did they? That's Barry Bonds' defense isn't it?

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