Thursday, February 12, 2009


So we all know now that A-Rod used PED's in 2001-2003. What we don't know is who the other 103 players were. I want to know why whoever ratted A-Rod out only leaked his name. If you're gonna do a job at least to it to your fullest potential. Who out there has changed their opinion about Alex now that it's official? Personally, I am disappointed because he has always been one of my favorite players and I was hoping that he would return some validity in the home run record. But that's all gone now. The funny thing is, I still like Rodriguez although I can't stand Bonds. Maybe that doesn't have anything to do with the steriods issue. I don't like the way Bonds carries himself and the way he treats teammates and the media. Now don't get me wrong, there are times when the media hoopla gets on my nerves but we don't have to curse them out (Barry) or throw their camera equiptment (yes, that means you Kenny Rogers). As of now, Bonds would not get my HOF vote, Rodriguez would...not that my opinion counts for anything. But what about you? Would A-Rod get your HOF vote?

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