Sunday, February 15, 2009

Superman finds his Kryptonite

So the All-Star festivities have come and gone and all that's left is the actual game. But who really cares about that? I personally have some beef with the dunk contest. The same beef I had back in 2006 actually. I am tired of seeing Nate Robinson get bonus points for being small. Dwight Howard said it himself, he makes it look easy while it looks hard for Robinson. Robinson stole the title from Iggy in '06 and he did it again this year. Dwight Howard is the ultimate entertainer. Dunking on a 12 foot rim is incredible in itself. But before the dunk he changed into his superman outfit in a phonebooth, and even adjusted to a bad pass from teammate, Jameer Nelson (cut him some slack, he has a bad shoulder) and made it look easy. Then he throws the ball off the side of the backboard and throws it down with some serious authority. Robinson on the other hand jumped off someone's back in one of his dunks! How is that even allowed?! Then jumps over Dwight Howard (although he appeared to push off and jump slightly to the side). Lost in all of this is the fact that Dwight Howard agreed to participate. He showed that it wasn't about winning, but giving the fans a great show. I will congratulate Nate Robinson (grudgingly) and thank them both for a great show.

And on a side note, LeBron James announced that he put is name in the preliminary running for next year's Dunk Contest in Dallas. Now we just need Vince Carter and Jason Richardson to come back...and maybe somehow convince Nate Robinson not to come back to defend his title.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


So we all know now that A-Rod used PED's in 2001-2003. What we don't know is who the other 103 players were. I want to know why whoever ratted A-Rod out only leaked his name. If you're gonna do a job at least to it to your fullest potential. Who out there has changed their opinion about Alex now that it's official? Personally, I am disappointed because he has always been one of my favorite players and I was hoping that he would return some validity in the home run record. But that's all gone now. The funny thing is, I still like Rodriguez although I can't stand Bonds. Maybe that doesn't have anything to do with the steriods issue. I don't like the way Bonds carries himself and the way he treats teammates and the media. Now don't get me wrong, there are times when the media hoopla gets on my nerves but we don't have to curse them out (Barry) or throw their camera equiptment (yes, that means you Kenny Rogers). As of now, Bonds would not get my HOF vote, Rodriguez would...not that my opinion counts for anything. But what about you? Would A-Rod get your HOF vote?