Thursday, January 8, 2009


So it's been awhile so there is obviously alot to catch up on but I don't have time to go through everything that has happened in the past couple of months. So we'll go with the cliffnotes version. Spygate, Belichek's a cheater, Favre retired, just kidding no he didn't, Pacman got reinstated, Pacman Jones is now Adam Jones, Michael Phelps is the greatest Olympian ever, Mike Singletary pulled his pants down, and my personal favorite...PHILLIES ARE WORLD FU**IN CHAMPS!!!!

So more recently, the Browns have hired Eric Mangini to be thier new head coach. I think it was a good choice. He got the short end of the stick in NY. I understand the NFL is all about what have you done for me lately (just ask half the coaches in the league) but from what I understand, he never really wanted Brett Favre to be his quarterback. They went out and beefed up their offensive line to become a running team so why would he want a quarterback that would force him to throw the ball? Alot of people are wondering why Bill Cowher turned down the job that would allow him to coach for the team he used to play for. I'll tell you why. Loyalty. He said it way back when the rumors first started flying in the middle of the season. He has too much loyalty to the Steelers organization and the Rooney family to coach one of, if not their biggest rival. And frankly, I don't think we see enough of that these days.

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